Have been hearing lots about Vizify and my first impression wasn’t that great, I have to say.

Unless you use facebook, twitter and linked in like a BOSS, the content was a little dry and very much a “scratch the surface” look at who I am and what I do.

Until I realised you can edit each page… and then this became a great tool for putting out some really key messages for  your own profile page.

Add to that, the google ranking for this site is great. After only a few days, it is now on page two when you google my name… (PS I totally own google results when you search for Nathan Krisanski… kinda my thing 🙂 )

I particularly like the “Places I’ve been” page that creates an animated flyover of your places in order. I added my travel and work places to get a nice map of my adventures.

Check out my new and improved Vizify profile here: https://www.vizify.com/nathan-krisanski

vizify nathan krisanski